Sunday, October 25, 2009


At my WTF appointment, Dr. B. kindly suggested that if I lost some weight I might have better results with my next IVF cycle.  I've jumped all over this and am funneling all my energies into losing weight.  In my magical thinking world, this is a guarantee of success.  Whatever works.  

  • I've joined Weight Watchers Online and have been obsessively counting points
  • I've started exercising 6 days a week.  Monday through Friday I wake up most days (unless I have to be at work at a weird time) at 4 a.m. and am on my treadmill doing a couch to 5 k program or lifting weights at 4:15 a.m.  It's a bit crazy.  I'm still half asleep for the first 10 minutes of my workouts.
  • I've done 3 1/2 hours of cardio this past week and 1 1/2 hours of lifting weights.  
  • I also walk my dog about 3 to 5 hours a week.  I don't "count" that as working out since he usually operated in "slow" mode.
  • I've read The Fertility Diet, and am incorporating these suggestions into my plan, although the milk thing still has me confused.
I've never been more motivated to be successful.  Truthfully, I'm a bit obsessive about it.  Since I joined Weight Watchers one week after my miscarriage, I've lost 15 pounds.  I've lost 10 pound since I last met with Dr. B and he gave me this suggestion. 

I think it is generally a positive thing to be so focused.  It makes me feel like I am doing something to give myself some chance at success.  It makes me feel a bit more in control, although I know I'm not in control.  On the other hand, the very first thing I think of every single day is the baby I lost.  I'm not sure if I would think about that anyway, or if it is more in the forefront of my mind because the alarm is going off at 4 a.m. so I can workout to help improve my chances of a take home baby. Also, I might need to work on resetting expectations once I start my IVF cycle in January / February.  Right now it is helpful to think that all this work is making a huge difference and will guarantee success.  When I start cycling, I'll need to get a dose of reality.


  1. Way to go!! Those are pretty impressive numbers if you ask me. Hope your next IVF cycle gives you your take home baby!!

  2. So glad you've found an outlet with such a huge benefit! What an inspiration you are. :)

  3. You rock!!

    Re: the Fertility Diet, I know the milk thing is weird, but I swear that when I started seeing my fertility nutritionist who had me switch to whole milk, I started dropping pounds really quickly. Way more than just with Weight Watchers.

    Also wanted to recommend Nina Planck's book, Real Food for Mother and Baby which talks about a good diet for fertility, pregnancy and beyond. I've found it very helpful.

  4. Awesome! Keep it up. I hope that you get your take home baby with your next cycle!

  5. Congratulations on the weight loss and I do think that it can be healthy to have that focus. It's doing something--and something can't hurt.

  6. I love your attitude, keep it up!

  7. Congratulations on your motivation and new plan! You found focused and driven and I'm sure that right now it's exactly what your body and mind needs :)


  8. Great job! Sounds like you are on the right track!


  9. whoa! good for you!! can you send some of that motivation my way?

  10. Great job on the weight loss so far, Amy! You've got SERIOUS will power getting up that early every day. I'm impressed!

    I am also on a short TTC hiatus to try to lose weight before starting our first IVF. What weight do you think is optimal? I'm quite overweight so it'll take me a while, but I'm also older so I don't want to wait to long before starting the first IVF. I'm wondering when do I call it "ok" on the weight and go for IVF? What's your plan?

  11. Good for you! I think Weight Watchers online is awesome (hmm, maybe I'll sign up again...). I also found The Fertility Diet helpful. Good luck!

  12. Way to go on the weight loss! I just suffered my 3rd miscarriage and I am starting to think I really should be losing weight (if only I can get my lazy butt off the couch!).

    I admire your dedication to exercise and your motivation! Good luck to you on your journey.
