Thursday, September 10, 2009

Awesome parents

My mom and dad are just the best. They've been so excited about this pregnancy, and I have be squashing them left and right. My mom wants to tell the whole family, and I keep telling her I want to wait - which she doesn't get. She's exuberant, and I'm nervous and low key. My dad wants to have a toast with sparkling grape juice, and I say no.

After all the drama regarding my womb lately, we've all been through the ringer. Yesterday, when I got home from work, I found a note from mom to me in the dog's cookie jar. (She lets the beast out every day, and we pass messages and books through the cookie jar.) Enclosed was US magazine, a starbucks gift card, and a gift card to a chic-chic salon for a pedicure. I love it! A gift of pampering for me after all the stress.

My parents are just the best.

1 comment:

  1. You are very lucky. Thank goodness for amazing parents. You will be one, too!

