Monday, February 8, 2010

IVF #3

My morning started off with a bit of excitement.  I am still adjusting to the time change after vacation, and I had an early start this morning because I wanted to get to to doctor close to 7 a.m.  I had been forgetting to take my prenatal vitamins at night while on vacation.  I found them in my makeup bag this morning, so I popped one.  Well, about 45 minutes later I started to feel nauseous.  About 30 seconds later I was throwing up.  Happy Monday!

All is clear on my ultrasound..  That's the first time I've gotten the go-ahead on my ovaries at my baseline ultrasound.  Yeah!  The plan is that on Thursday I start with 225 of Follistim and I go back for my next ultrasound and blood work on Monday.  So, this is going to happen.

I'm trying to balance the hope with the fear right now.  I really want this to work, but I'm starting to get to the point where I want to know if it will work or not so I can move on. 

I also put away my baby loss necklace.  I think that I needed to close that chapter, at least for awhile, so that I can focus on the possibilities of lucky number 3.


  1. Good luck, hon. And may the third time be your charm...

  2. Yay! I hope #3 is the lucky one for us both!

  3. Amiga, I am praying for you... Three is the charm.... Lizy in snowy cold Chicago

  4. Good luck this cycle! Praying for you!

  5. Sweetie, I think you did the right thing with the necklace. It is important not to forget what had been in the past, but this has to happen in a positive way for the future. You know you have a great chance of getting pregnant again and so many people go through MC and then have a very healthy baby. I've everything crossed for you. Fran

  6. I'm hoping and praying that the third time is the charm!

  7. Yay for a clean start on the first try. I hope it is only the start of good things for this cycle.

  8. woo hoo! So glad the appointment went well this morning!! Here's to a great cycle!

  9. Yay for a great baseline. Fingers tightly crossed!!
