Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Lupron sucks
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
My sister-in-law had her transfer last weekend. Her RE wanted to transfer 3 embroyos. My brother wanted to transfer 3 embroyos, but my SIL put down her foot and didn't do it. Thank goodness. She is experiencing some OHS - gained 8 pounds so far and is pretty miserable. Hopefully that subsides and she gets her positive soon.
I've enjoyed ICLW and loved all the support I've gotten! And, all the new blogs and new stories I've gotten to learn. I'm wishing all of you good luck in your journey. Keep in touch, 'k!
Sunday, April 26, 2009
Any ideas how to prevent / treat this? I can only take Tylenol. Someone suggested taking vitamins, but I'm already taking prenatal vitamins. It's a bit demoralizing to deal with this so often. Ugh.
Friday, April 24, 2009 work
I know your 4 month old baby is super cute. And, I know that you can hardly stand to leave her at home. I know that you can't understand why I wouldn't want to hear her crying while I work on my spreadsheets. But, is it really necessary for you to bring her to work? Considering the fact that we don't work in a day care, school, maternity ward, social services agency, retail store, etc. I should think that my office would be the ONE PLACE in the world where babies don't make a regular occurance.
So, office neighbor, mind the infertiles among us and leave the baby at home.
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Fertility Socks
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Lupron's fickle ways
- When I'm not injecting
myself with hormones, I like to hang out with my husband and fur-family. This is my dog, Ryno. Despite his giant size, he really is a lap dog. He is currently curled up on the couch next to me snoring.
- I love to do crafts, especially knitting, sewing, and scrapbooking. Unfortunately, I don't have nearly as much time to craft as I would like, and my recent imersion into the world of infertility has definately eaten into my crafting time. I haven't figured out how to knit and blog / read at the same time.
- I love reading. I'll read almost anything - not much of a fan of science fiction. I tend to go in waves with my reading themes. Lately, I've been looking for romantic comdedy type books - and I find them a nice way to escape.
So, that's about it for now. I'm looking forward to learning more about everyone in the IF community through ICLW.
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Hollywood, CA
Of course, I brought my Lupron 24 hour migraine with me for the first day. Good times! Maybe that's why my smile is a bit wonky in this photo.
So, it's back to reality this afternoon. I have my ultrasound and blood test tomorrow at 7a.m. to determine if I'm supressed. That should be fun after getting home at 9:30 p.m. and adjusting to Chicago time.
Monday, April 20, 2009
Infertility - It's everywhere.
Seriously. I almost closed the book and started over. I am guessing that when authors run into a plot line stumbling block, they think, "Ok. I'll give the character fertility problems. That's funny." Whatever. I wonder if I noticed this before.
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Sisters in Infertility
It's interesting to be going through something like this simultaneously with a family member. Also, my SIL and I have had a rocky relationship in the past. And, she's had a hard time with infertility too. And, she tends to be competitive. So, I worry. I worry that this won't work out for them, and they'll be devastated. I worry about the impact of what will happen if it doesn't work out for them - but it does with me. I selfishly worry about having to share the limelight of my first pregnancy with my SIL.
But, at the same time, I HOPE it goes well for them. I hope we both end up with simultaneous happy endings. And, I promise to be supportive and the best SIL, sister, and Aunt I can be. I'm grateful to have someone to share this with - in my own family - who knows exactly where I am.
Monday, April 13, 2009
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Why I'm not going to Church today
Telling me that babies should be made from love just pisses me off. Do I not love my unconceived babies????
Also, Easter Sunday is prime baby baptizing day. I've always thought out my kids baptisims. I have saved my wedding dress for 10 years and hope to make a Christening gown out of it one day.
So, I'm staying home.
Thursday, April 9, 2009
Preserving Memories

I've always been a "crafty" person, and about 10 years ago, I started scrapbooking. I've been systematically documenting my life and the life of my family. When the infertility monster entered my life in the fall - I stopped scrapbooking. An activity that used to make me so happy only made me sad. I realized at that time that I wasn't scrapbooking for me, I was scrapbooking for my future children. Preserving my memories and telling my stories stopped having meaning. Who was going to care about my life after I was gone if I was never a mother?
I've started to get back to it a little lately. But, I've tried to change my focus. Instead of preserving memories for my future kids, I'm preserving memories for me and my husband. I've focused on vacation memories and other small projects.
One day, I hope I can go back to telling my family story and have it mean something afterall.
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Mix up at the Pharmacy
We brought everything home, and being the good infertiles that we are, began to take inventory. And, noticed the big F' up. My lovely pharmacy gave me the drugs for some other infertile! Hello!?! Charged my credit card for them. Charged her insurance for them, etc. Big time screw up. I wonder if they've heard of this privacy law called HIPAA....? I proceeded to make it worse by trying to call the Walgreens and accidently crank calling her. Oops!
I dragged my sack-o-drugs to work today and stopped at the pharmacy to fix the problem. The guy who helped me was great. However, the chick who originally packed every thing stopped over and basically blew it off as "Oh Well." Ummm Oh well my ass.
So, it's all fixed now. My bag of smack is sitting on the counter waiting for Monday when I get my first shot of Lupron.
In other news, my period, which ws so jacked up this month (1 week late, a week of spotting, and then the big show) is going on and on and on and on. Good Lord. Err.
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
And, we're off!
Our clinic forces us to meet with a psychologist. Not being a "therapy" person (I'll keep my feelings bottled up inside, thank you.) I was a bit resentful that I had to see a shirnk prior to getting knocked up, but my loser cousin can get pregnant with any guy she meets, any time she wants despite her inability to care for kids (3 and counting) without having to to get pyschologist approval.
I was pleasantly surprised. It was really helpful. She went through the cycle with us, and talked about the emotional side effects of all of the drugs and encouraged us to discuss how we could best support each other to get through it all without crumbling our marriage all around us.