Monday, August 17, 2009

Oh My God!

I'm literally in shock. My nurse just called me ten minutes ago and said,


My beta was 22.9. They wanted it to be over 20. I go back Wednesday.

The bleeding has stopped.

I'm totally freaked out. I don't know what to do. Is this real? Will it work? I'm obsessively googling to try and find out what a Beta of 22.9 on 10 days post 3 day transfer means, but I can't find anything.

I want to throw up. I want to cry. Right now, I am pregnant.


  1. Pregnant until proven otherwise! Congratulations, and hang in there. Low/slow doubling betas make for a bumpy ride :( Fingers crossed for a positive outcome.

  2. Pregnant!!! OMG!!! wonderful and nervewracking at the same time -- hang on, emby!

  3. Remember betas can be all over the place. Mine was 9 the first time we tested!!! Right now you are pregnant though - YAY!!

    Praying and hoping that your numbers double!

  4. Congratulations!! Sending lots of good thoughts your way for your next beta.

  5. EEEeeeeeeeeeeekkk!! Congratulations! You are PREGNANT, my dear! :)

  6. Good luck! Sending sticky vibrations your way!!!


  7. That's wonderful, wonderful news!

  8. YAYYYYYY! That's by far the best news I've heard all day. I'm so excited for you. I'll be praying for more good news on Wednesday.

  9. Aww...this is so exciting!! Congratulations!

  10. Praying for a sticky one! Congratulations!!

  11. Woohoo!!!! that's so exciting!!! There have been so many IVF BFP's within the last month or two, I am so happy you are one of them!!!

  12. :-) Yay! That's awesome...can't wait to hear the next #!

  13. I am so very very happy for you! Praying a a great number next time!

  14. Oh my God!!! Told you about the spotting/bleeding!!! I think the number is good for the day, I had 57 to what woudl correspond to 2 days after you, which sounds about right to me!! Oh my God I'm so happy for you!! Love, Fran

  15. I, too, rode the beta roller coaster ride. My beta was 33 on 9dp5dt--very close to your's. Have them check your progestrone, it may be the source of your bleeding. It was for me. Good luck. Fingers crossed

  16. yeay!! well done! congrats :))))
    this is really a happy moment. May the numbers double and double and double...

  17. That's super news! Here from the LFCA to wish you happy doubling.

  18. Amy, I am SO happy for the positive beta!!! I'm sorry I've been missing for a little while, but I am back and getting caught up, and this was the best post I've read in forever. I am keeping my fingers crossed for your beta tomorrow. Come on baby(ies)!!

  19. Yay!!! Woohoo!!! I'm sending lots of sticky vibes your way!! Congrats!
