Thursday, August 13, 2009

6dp3dt - and Thankful Thursday

Today I started spotting. A tiny bit so far. I'm completely freaked and absolutely certain that this didn't work, while trying to convince myself that this is implantation bleeding. Dr. Google says that it could be anything and there is nothing to do about it. Could it be my period? How soon would I get it, and would Progesterone prevent it? Anyone? I think I'll call the IVF nurse tomorrow to see.

In an effort to try to turn my mood around, here is another installment of Thankful Thursday:

1. My mom pulled weeds in my backyard today while she was taking my dog out for his afternoon constitutional. Gotta love that!

2. Soon, I go on vacation. Some blissful time away from all the madness of work and IVF sounds so fabulous!

3. My sister is fabulous and always good for a laugh. I need it on days like today.

4. Only 4 more sleeps until I have my beta and end this horrible waiting.


  1. Amy, from all I've seen on all these blogs in the ALI community, I can safely say that most times than not, this little spotting during the 2ww mean that there's implantation going on. Crossing fingers that this is what's happening in your womb right now. good luck!

  2. I have heard that it is common with IVF. If you are not on progesterone already, I would call the dr and ask for some. Good luck!

  3. It could be implantation. Also, are you taking PIO or endometrin? If it's suppositories, I've heard that light spotting can even be caused by irritation from the applicator/pill.

  4. I'm taking PIO. So far it's just a tiny bit of spotting.

  5.'re on the downswing of the wait, and the last few are the hardest for sure. Hang in there. You'll know for sure very soon. Fingers crossed for you.

  6. I'm definitely hoping that it's implantation spotting. The progesterone should keep AF away, especially this early. Best of luck to you!

  7. Damn spotting, whatever it means if it wasn't happening at least you didn't have to think about it!! I am hopeful it'll be a good sign. Usually progesterone will prevent your lining from shedding but not every woman responds the same way. I had spotting this time for the first time even in 4 2ww! In my case it appear to have been a good omen rather than not. Only for more days, you are dong well. Love, Fran

  8. Fingers crossed tight. Only a few more days to wait. Hang in there!
